Friday 5 October 2012

Traditional Chinese dish-scrambled eggs with tomatoes

Today I will introduce a traditional Chinese dish, which is scrambled eggs with tomatoes. 
I did it for my dinner. Although it looks bad, but it tates good. Now I will tell you how to make it.

Firstly, you should hot the pan and pour oil, just like the cooking for most Chinese dishes. 
Then you need to put the eggs (mixed well eggs) into pan. 
Actually I will put a little sugar into mixed well eggs. The sugar can reduce the sour taste of tomatoes.
This way can make scrambled eggs with tomatoes taste better. 
Secondly, when you see the mixed well eggs into a block, you can put the chopped tomatoes into the pan. 
Thirdly, you should put some water into the pan and make the fire up. 
Before the water is evaporated, you should put some salt into the pan.

When you finish all of steps above, the delicious scrambled egg with tomato will show in front of you. 
This dish is easily cooked and won't take you a long time with a really good taste.
And the dish is specially good for the people who like sour-sweet taste! 
At last I hope you enjoy it!

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